Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Expansion of the Roman Empire Essay - 1427 Words

The War with Veii played a significant role in the expansion of the Roman Empire. The war, which ended in 410 B.C., set in motion an entirely different Roman army. No longer was the army a volunteer militia, instead it became a paying and contractual organization. The â€Å"Roman victory brought an end to Rome’s most threatening neighbor and began its rise to prominence in the central Italian peninsula† ( Another sizeable contributing factor to the expansion of the Roman Empire was the sacking of Rome by the Gauls in 390 B.C.. â€Å"The Romans were completely dumbfounded by the wild and undisciplined charge of the howling Gauls. The Roman’s tightly packed phalanx, a military formation they had adopted from the Greeks of†¦show more content†¦The major and often times only change was that Rome was now in complete control of the region’s foreign policy. Seeing that the benefits far exceeded the cost of incorporation, many regions were not only okay with the price of incorporation, but sought it out as a means of protection, ultimately creating the Latin League by the year 338 B.C.. Eventually Rome’s policy of coming to the aid of those who asked, led them into battle with King Pyrrhus of Epirus when Thurii asked for Roman aid from Tarentun, which was, in turn, assisted by Pyrrhus. The Romans lost two battles to Pyrrhus in 282 B.C. and 280 B.C., leaving King Pyrrhus of Epirus with, what has become known as Pyrrhic victories. Both sides sustained substantial losses, making the victories as good as losses. Eventually, in 275 B.C. Pyrrhus left battle to save what was left of Greece, providing the Romans with a default victory. King Pyrrhus would later be killed, by a loosened roofing tile pushed over by an old woman, when he had taken a break from the war in Argos, which he believed he had won. In 264 B.C. the Romans became committed to their first over-seas conflict, when â€Å"Carthage attempted to gain control of the island of Sicily. The prospect of such a powerful neighbor only a few miles offshore from Italy worried the Romans. When Sicilian Greeks asked for RomanShow MoreRelatedThe Expansion Of The Roman Empire866 Words   |  4 Pageswent through political and economic reorganization. There was no revival of central imperial authority in western Europe, even though there was an establishment of the Holy Roman Empire. Agricultural improvements brought increased food supplies, which encouraged urbanization, manufacturing, and trade. In the high middle ages, Roman Catholic Christianity was the cultural foundation of European society. The church advanced educational institutions such as cathedral schools and universities. 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