Saturday, February 15, 2020

A) How successful has the government of the Irish Republic been in Essay

A) How successful has the government of the Irish Republic been in running it's economy over the last three years b) Describe and evaluate the main macro econo - Essay Example â€Å"Because Ireland is a small country, FDI The housing market helped helped to sustain growth in the recent years as housing investment has reached almost 16% of GNI, but the market has turned since 2006.on the basis GNI growth is expected to decline from 5% in 2007 to 3% in 2008. The housing market weakness also effected badly on increasing the rate of unemployment from 4% in 2006, to 5.5% in 2008. Ireland enjoyed spectacular growth in tax revenues over the past years but this is affected by the economic declining, the government surplus of 3.5% of GNI has reduced in to .5% in 2007due to the lower property related receipts the real government expenditure has expanded rapidly In the year 2005, Ireland’s employment rates reduced from 14% to 4%, due to the growth in GDP. But in the year 2006 the unemployment rate increased to 4.4% Ireland faces a problem of sustainability from other countries because of the generation gap in population aged over 65, relating to working age population .the current system will unsustainable even with the national pension fund The growth rate in GDP has reached 10%from 1997 to 2000; which in 2005 has reached $169 billion, above the average of EU 25. However, since year 2006 Ireland’s economic growth started to slow down, due to the lower investment spending and more moderate consumption, which is 5.6%, in 2007 at 4.7% and it is projected to slow down further in the coming years. In the past years economic activity remain strong by the strong domestic demand but it is now easing in the short step should be taken to attract the foreign investment. In the longer run, stronger productivity growth and continued increase in participation rates will be needed to sustain a fast pace of real income growth. The easing activity has slow down government revenues and a sharp drop in the fiscal surplus

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Effects of Various Substances on the Rate of Sodium, Potassium and Lab Report

The Effects of Various Substances on the Rate of Sodium, Potassium and Urine Excretion in the Human - Lab Report Example The main reason behind this is that Furosemide is a very strong diuretic. In this experiment, volunteers from three various student groups participated in one of the sample groups. They provided the required urine sample that is needed for collection of data. The collected data was assembled, illustrated, and calculated to get the expected results. It is expected that the statistical results will indicate that there was an increase in urine out from the samples of alcohol and juice groups but not in potassium and sodium. The furosemide samples should record a definite increase in urine output in both samples of sodium and potassium groups and the other two samples groups of alcohol and juice. The reduction of potassium and sodium output in the experiment proved that most potassium and sodium was reabsorbed in the blood before the filtered fluid in the body became urine and ultimately eliminated from the body as urine. Diuretics are forms of drugs, which increase urine production in order to create the hypotensive effect. Furosemide operates in a manner that it blocks the absorption of potassium and sodium from the filtered fluid, causing an increase in urine output (dieresis). The main objective of this experiment was to determine the diuretic effects of furosemide against a control group and another group that was under the influence of alcohol. The effects were later observed through potassium and sodium excreted by the human volunteer. The action mechanism depletes sodium from the blood plasma leading to the hypotensive effect. A reduction in the amount of blood plasma leads to a reduction of peripheral workload and cardiac output. The experiment was carried out at the University of Brighton among the different pharmacy group students. The experiment required that no pregnant student or any student under contraceptive drugs would participate in this experiment.  Students that are diagnosed with any kidney disorder or taking medication that controls their blood pressure must also not participate in this experiment.